Page:The Fourth Estate, July to December 1917.djvu/143

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July 28. 1917 THB POUKTR B8TATB 27 The Cincinnati Community THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER is Ike MEDIUM YOU SHOULD USB in tbi* uapanUcUd antat


At its annual mrctins in Pendle- ton, the Oregon State Editorial Aaso- eiaiioo elected A. E. Va«rbiei. presi- <ical: Oeoim H. CinVi Jr-> ^'■<^'- prestdcnl: nil S. Bates, secrriary. knd E. E. Bradic; nembcr of execu- tive committee. Am«»c tkc apeahera ami Ihcir su1>- jc«t* were: Farai jounMlimi. E. E. Faville. tiood neviiwper hibIw-up and sood iiili ^iaiioe, C A. WMMMUt. Don it ray to put life iMo tk«  c4itori.>! pndr, C K l-nimll*. FortiKU a;lvtr;i»inB. J. G. Kcllor. Fnriiuri ..J^crli^mK anJ rate earoa, W I' Vi.*.!!, uTi I'hit S Hat< I -t vhrvtv. i-I:- . I- TK^ W Allrn.

r lA sji < |ir r .1 »i)Tth-»htie jiro- 

ff«ion, licor^c Palmer Putnam. llelpmR one nnnthrr. Klbcrl Bctle. New >.;».ijtcr :.ies. E<tK.r B. Pij^cr A. P. ACCEPTS APOLOGY. 11iia itaiemeni baa liccn itined by tbe Aiaoeiated Prcii: "Reipcclinn the unwarranted inter- ference with the service of the As- ^ociatrH l*re«» during the recent I-M-4ilr^ .it Bisbee. Ariz., by iiulK>rdi n.ite i.tfiri.iln of the Phelps-DodRc Corporation, the rapper mining firm, tbe oftccfs ftf ihc Aetps-Dixliie Cor- poraliea iiave apoloitiicd and given awurance tbat the action of their offcialx was contrary to the policy of the linn and thai they must not under any circamstancea lalte part in aay iiiie rerformanee in {atare." > 111 ILDING lOKAS, I hf KmtC!H!un <Ont.) IJaily Stan- il-ir.i Ii.hI jn iiiiu*ital run tt( "Special h"e.^!uTc*" in the montll of Jun'.- and ihr ririt tmo «-eeks o( July. In tlio^ »i« werks it put on a "Play lUIl i'aae." an "Kconnmy Day Page." a "Picnicer'i Page." a "Real Eatale Pate," a "Boy Your Car Now Page" and a lia-page section given up ex- cluaively to automobile advertising and ncwa. These spcci.-jl featiJres. each af ikhtcfa ran twice, naturally ^tim'.ilatcd Kk il aiJ'cTTi^inK in other tlirections. and as a consemiencc the Standard repnrta ibis the oosiest •nnawr sea- •oa ia lis blftofy. THK PITTSBURGH POST Dt7i)ocratic Paper In PittsbuTs^ Trenton TIMES FOOD MEDIUM Million lines food advcrtlliaR !■ two years — developed by etiV Thwf^ day Food Feature Pages. This 'food atmosphere' and 'houne- wlfe interest' will increase your sales. KELLY SUnH CO. m ilk Awh N. r. Lftto* H-, CWnw* Baltimore News Nf» r>»i!y CtrmUtieik Q-i ^'lA MAY. 1B17. n&AT. 19.793 PAN A. CARROLL /, B. UlTX .vew y«ra nw* MAIL TO AND FROM SOLDIERS IN EUROPE. Itt Mdsr to iMcvcat delay in di»- pateb ■lid leairc prompt delivery of lellers, p<yst cards, .and printed mat- ter addrc&aed to the L'nitcd Slates Kxpetlitinnar>' I'orces in Europe, to which the 'tomestic rates ef POSt* •■lie -iiiiily. ■ ii itnpijiiant that tte pos-jge be fully prff*aiti. To this end the public is advised to hand in at the p<nt office mail addre«.«ed to the expeditionary forces in order that it may be weighed, rated and have the full amount of postage affixed before the fender leaves the office. Unpaid letters frcm soldiers in the I'nrtcd St.ites ICxpediiinnanr Forces in Kurt-ipc a'.MresaciJ tor delivery in the L'nite<l States or its possessions are to be rated with postage dne •( Ike tintle rait snfy to ba colleelcd on delivery LIBEL SUIT IN .EV ORI.KANS. Suit for $.%0.0(J0, alleging libel, has been filed in the Ci%il Court by Jame-i M. Thomaon, publisher of the New Orleans Item, agaiiiat the Daily St.ntes Publishing Company, and J. Walker Ross, managing editor.!.h.ill B.4ll.trd, managing editor i]{ the Item, tiled .a similar s«tt in the I-erlcral t"ourt. His suit was filed in tiir Federal Court because he is not a resident of I.ouisiana. He has bis home in Bay St. Louis, Miss. The Ballard suit asks $.tO,4KM> dam- ayes because of alleged damagca to hts KOod name and $o<l.00f> punitive da magca. The suits are those the Item an- nounced several days before i: would file because of an editorial "Consis lency." puhli-^hr/! =n the T^.iilv St.ite^i July 4. The Th'iiii^'iii srnt iniii strcis on the charffe ih;it hr .mh! hi>. wife, for- merly Miss (icnevieie ( l.irk. datightrr of Spcaher Champ Clark, were great- ly nmiified aad •nbamitd. GETS »2I.f«M) PURSE. When k. S. White, associate edi- tor, of the Uoalrcal Gantta. last Mi M« Mat sMecter ai the Port of Montreal, after ttwcMty^nr years' seTice. he was pr Minted with $'.>i.<i<iii .>iid :.ti lllnminated addrr^s by iiiiimrtrrv. Ill inufaclnrer*. merclianl>t and retire- vt-r.t.^ji es of r.iilnav and s1eiili<hip loiituanies in Montreal, in aj>pre ctatiun and acknowledgment ul his customs service and courtesies. The prescnutioa was made and addresaes drilvarcd btfm • tana rann thw lat hi i fai !■ lha heard o( Of A. B. C SMaMo lf«Mli St. tn«  140,970 Net Paid CirculatiMi 1 1C 1 June 4, 1017 1 .50,100 Between March 31, 1916, and June 4, IDIT, daily priea was raised to Ic. PATERSON New Jersey'.s Famous Manufacturing City PRESS Its. BIG GUARDIAN G. LOGAN PAYNB COMPANY N*w York Chitago DttroU Boston Smi-TS IN MISSOULA. William ('• FerKiison. news editor of the Missoula iMont.) Missoulian. has resigned to join the editorial staff of the Great Falls (Mont) Tribune Prad J. Ifamra ■ mortcT, has Sone to Washlniitaii. D. C, to enter )e civil service in the ordnance bu- (cau of the War Department. He is succeeded by Dan Craig Balchelor. for tir vr.'irs with the ( hicagn Journ.i!. Clarence K. Streit. who has en- tered the army, is succeeded hv Howard J. Perry of Tacoma, a gra. duate of the Montana Stale Univer- sity school of jouraaBam and later with the Everrtt Tribune and the Tacoma Tribune. MAYBE A THIRD TRIAL The suit brought by Dr. Clarence F. Piersaii, superintendent of the East Louisiana Hospital for the In- sane at Jackson. La., against the New r>r!e:in« Times Picayune Company. I"r MC'O.ii l.-.m.iKes. which has

cr itrcn tried In juries that hac

failed to agree nn a verdict, will he tried for the third time by Judge E. K. Skinner in the civil court un- less the Lottiaiaaa Slate Supreme Court abould graar a writ of nro- hibidoB. VTALDO BUYS PAPER. The Bridgeport (Ct 1 Standard has been sold by .Archibald and Ken- neth W McNeil to lieorge C. Waldo Jr., and has been renamed the Stand- ard-.'merican. The Messrs. McNeil conlinac as the publishers of Ibe Bridgeport Past and Telegram, which they owned in addition to the Standard SL:( fKKI) IHKIH lATIIlK lieorite W. S.4vloi ;unl Krnrst II S.iylor. sons nt the late l ewis K. Savior, have succeeded their father as editors of the Pottstown (Pa.) Blade. The business is being con* ducted as the L. R. Savior Estate, with (ieorge H. Saylor aaministrator, Tbe new editors of die BUdc have crpwn up with the business. Ernest Saylor has l>een in the West for yc;trs pri^ir to .^Itril ! l.iht. WINNllM-i; IKI.KCRAM NOT Si 11 1) G. E. Roland, director of the Winnipeg Telegram, denied to 1 lu FouTan EsTATIi a report that Knox Mate& pubUsber of the Winnipeg SaMfdiqr NUit, bad bonilit 'The TaEgtam far tMfiOt, A Gain of 73% During the past four years the De- troit Free Press haa ciijoy«l a gala of 73% ia eireuUdea. OancUr and solidity explain tUa tfffrwti Adver- tising MUST pur la a which tS^ Prtrott jfttt Italf "MICHIGAN'S GREATEST NE WSPAPE R.- THE DAYTON SUNDAY NEWS in the first five moaibs of 1917 has car- ried lIS^tM Uncs mare loeal business than Its oabr comnelitor. With the^MluMd News (tbe lw« si |«H^2*[ •■*** Sonday com. NEWS UEAg^B^P OHIO li% iH^hvMHM AmNV if* Wn HOOSIBRS ELECT SMALL. The Indiana .Associated Weeklies have elected John W. Small. Wane- town Dispatch, prrsMcnt . Walter I.Mch. lias ( iiv t iiTiul. ice-presi- dent ; Ot.:i C .^l l-1 i.iriirl. ^dv.ince Hustler, secretary iic.isurer. They with the following consnt.ite the exe- cutive committee: II 1.. Mellon. .■inlioy Independent : T. E. Huston, Wavelan<l Independent. ONK !.i:SS IN INDIAN.V With sf.ite v»idt' prnhihitirifi in Indiana Ir** a year off. the <In<l.> Times, which has supported prohibition since it was founded, has suspended publieatioa because of laek tuppoitaMOi^tag l«  an aonouaeenicnt B, F. Sbarta^ Mie editor. NEW OHIO EDITOR. J B Babli. manager of the Birming- hani i.JiI.i ) Civic .Association, has resigned to iK'come editor of Ibe Canton I ( thio » Daily Na«^ of which C, W, I iTord. formerly of Bitnd^^ ham, is Ihc publisher. WRIGHT A BUYER The Dana (Ind ) News ^a^ been sold by John W. Jordan to T. J Vy'rujhl, who will continue the pub- lication of the paiier A NEW MA.VAGER. John C. Willianw has resigned from the editorial staff of Ibe IndianapoHa News t» bcmaie buii- ness manager of the AadecMa (lad.) Herald. , NEW PAPER FOR JEWS. The Jewish Voice is ■ asw weeUy in Bayonne. N. J., with ottces ai >».. Avenue C. ^ The Evening Post pub- lished M much automobile advertising during the first six months of 1917 as for the entire year of 1916. 6 mov. 1917, llh.uyy lines 12 iTios , I'Mf), I'IS.yMt lines More Than a Newtpapet — A Natiomal Inxtitutiot