Page:The Fourth Estate, July to December 1917.djvu/303

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September 1, 1917 THI FOUITH B8TATI 27 The Cincinnati Communing <9mtim* •/ •<• arM »l 70 l«luf< milii mUk m tftmhinm tt MOyMt TBB CINCINNATI ENQUIRER i> fkt MEDIUM YOU SHOUI.D T'SE is (kit unp«r*tl<kd naricrt Fmigm lUtr mn tt Hvt t WORLD'S POOREST AD VERTI SER. HliRBERT S. HOUSTON SAYS IT 13 THE CHURCH— HOW THE A-..CAV OI-FERS AID "WbAI is advcrliuna ? ' Ma* a lacMicMi rcccDtly wkc4 hj the ChBrdli Adwrtiiioit Depiruntnt of tkt A A t " W. or Hrrbcrt S. Ifmi!, fi-n. cx president "t '.be AitotKUtcd Avivcrtixing rinb-' In reply he sjiid : "Every ftt-fnion it an adverti«eiijcnt- Al ka>t that ■> what it ihouid be and that ia what il it M it b««n • real "For ^dvcrtinioff- which I have t>cen ii»k"l to driinc, ui Iht <tetl»i- iiqc the lelling, the |mbliihio|E. b; word, b]r print or bjr paint the mcnti of tonetbinic to Munebody who a lilwbr lo br iatereattd. "It BUT be revercotlr uM that the Itrcat ciimmiMiun was a inaiMlatory mriuge to advcrtiM rightcouineu. And ;iut in ptupottioii aa the church hu eiiviaa|«d tktt HHIW i» Mm tivid human laacnaic Of life Md deed, it has •.urf«^d«( im0. merelj fxfretfinn with • fur- 'It to self exprewranb eiqtwiiwo n trt ahnqw mUk P'jite, "Advertising >■ direction w(ht a dcttiiution. It is aim with a tar- trL It w « niMiflc «rllk mm m* to rccenre it. "This is broad and univer«a1 ad- »Ttrtisin«. Hut direct, paid adver- liktitff. to the de*clnpincnt of which itiis gieat A.,VC-W. movement ia dt- « ulcd. is the aainc in principle. that the paid advcrtiatnc wtt wllidb we are concerned is wibfect to com- plete control. We can use it when ••4 wbCTC and how our judawieat id our pDnr permita. Aad

Net paid Daily Circulation
For the Month of July, 1917
DAILY t»-tUaiI>AY fte mM*m A 9. C) I M0!L.

Trenton TIMES fitw Jtrtty's Ltading FOOD MEDIUM MilUon lines foo-i advcrtiMne two rears— denietied by eur 'ii>ur«ta|' Food Ftatttr* Psfta. ThU ■*fMd KELtySUlTH CO. no Uk Av.. H. Y.; Lytio* Bi.. Chicmg* Baltimore News Net Daily Circnistion r* '>Cn JULY. MI7 7l,ZDU GAIN ever « c 900 jiiur. im 19,0oo DAN A. CARROLL /. B. LUTZ Nam Ymk chvrckts hy tht by uiing il thty rrpimitS ihtfr fmntg iixrf fill Ihi-ir fmt. "HiiT trir j*dTrli5inK »'nirh dn<»s that is iotereatiDC clear and coovino- It anwt «olo*od V fcwM sympathy and charged with human a pp eal , jaat aa the sermon most be, which it invites people to hear.

  • Of course if cold, formal and

stereotyped advertiainc ia uaed by a dinrcb it irresiMiHy hmf tftt iof presaion that (he wnBaB orlll be Of the same kind. "It ia past iill midf7itan-liiiK tlial a church, estahlithed by its Divine FewndiiT 10 ettM mtn, * ehaich •beoe rfoc with OipHftiiic mb- •tc. ff/vra 'who** p*i1ptt sounds the ctiitlli-tiKt-- n'i}>K': '.:vii^it and amonfi whose members is the ((iiickcoiiiK apirit of sympathy and semoe— tkat soch an institution with so Bioeb to offer, should call through the hiith- ways and byways in a snull, dull, form^il Advcrtlsrf-mein. I feprat. if i< ^#jf all urdrrjtiiH^itfiii. "Soch advertising, in (act, falls so far Wow the tttiUi tbtt it is eaaca- liaJlr vntnitkftil, and I oia not anre bnt that it cries to lw*««« for the corrective service of our A>A>C,W, vigilance committees. "At koot this caa be said without fear of ^alleage In this great par- liament of advertising — ike cknrch. wttiek it Ik* frtaletl mtliluliati in Ike tf&rU, k»s Ik* foornl ^iS^triis- ymt 'Ar worU" "But I do not make this strong siatemcBt mg oae without hofo. la- stead I mdc h beeanae I have the hiofceat hope of n<^w vA belter thiiwi. The A.A.C'A' de|:.,irtmeot of church advertising gives ground for that hope. You arc brought into the cloocst contact through this de- parUMM with the best advertising sarvicc Ao it rises to meet ita great opportiin'rv' it * become one i>f :he rri'-wit esjseiiri;il 'avsA quicken- ing pans in the church militant, has- tcniai th« diqp of the dtardi Iri- itnirihMi." IIXINOIS DATES. The anmtal meeting of the Illinois Select Newainper Ass^kciation will be held oa Scptenher 1-% at the Hold DAIUr— mnmAY-WEEKLY. To reach Farmers in Valley aad Southwest use Weekly- Globe-Democrat Ca« ■!«* oper«tieii. WrMe for Ta and 'CUM ^m menn flmti PATERSON New Jersey's Famou.s Manufacturing City PRESS lu BIG GUARDIAN ^SSSSms^ Stn y&rk Ckfc*ffo Detroit B»stcn BOY SALES FORCE FOR N EWSPA PERS. HOW AN BNTHtlSIASTIC AND EFPtCIENT ORGANTZATfON MAY BE nKV!^' OPFn. By H. M WxiiJfiJta, CirenlatioK Ifsnagrr, Hiirtford (Ct) Time*. Kine years ago it was my good fortune to in the cap^icitr of trsv* rhilkf :c|tTt^' :it.i' i ■. r t"r niip nf tht* Uaditih.' in^,,M£;jie ^ubii»ktQ|E huuseit in this country. F"r three years my time WA« devoted lo the eslablisbin4 of boy snies oritaniuitions. During this time I found thit through this roetbod I c«uld always sot circiiialion •nd pka^r of it aad that boiiMaa ao obtained waa easily held. During my magazine experience I came in contact with many newspaper circulation managers, and o(ten siig' ty^ted that they promote their circu' l:^tion through boys' organizations, rather thaa thraugh the mji mitre honae to houae eanvaaalBc oiethad. In many instances 1 was laughed at and tutd tbat setting methods, ap< plic^blc to weekly magazines were not applicable to newspapers. Since those days newspaper circulators, aa welt as other sales promoters, have found that tmys sales organizations irt I, eflicient and eeonemical. !• i« 1 muter of record that one ui the most succesafol aelliag cam- p.iigiis ever pulled off waa a hof oaa^ paign conducted by oae of the lead- ing lea nod coffee houses in this roimtry. If l>ny sales orgaaiaatioaa can sett te.i, coffee and magaiines, is It not reaM^naWe to say that they can sell newspaper sutiscriptiona or any ulhrr salable comnioditrf To my mind, the juvenile aalcBBUU- ship method cannot be beaten, no mailer whether it is in the city where you puhliflh or in surrounding towns ;ind cities. Kor an iMostra lion as to the ecunonty of the metii' od, let Bie cite the foDawioK: In IBIS I wa« employed to talab- li»h a boy Mle« nrein'jution to pro- mote the circi:'.m"n mi a new daily ill « city of 30,000 iMbabitaala. 1 weal wUh thia A Gain of 73% During the paal four years the Dctmil Free Preia has enjeyed a gain of Tt per cent ia cireulation. Character and solid* itr cuhiin this iBcreasc ADVEKTIS fNO |n!ir fay la a ne«iim «hU calls fasti aiM a tnatadaiit from M (Sb< 9rtr#t gut ••MICltlGAH'S G&EATEST NEWSPAPER." before the first poUicatioa Axf. Wl-.rr -In- fiiii- isiue came off the press we h.^d l>ina hilr h.t in the city and outside of t.OOO subscribers. Not OM tmag waa aiMMt for ttian, etc. Hrnr lanir would it have taken, and how rtiuch 'Ai>uld it have cost to get this business with canvassers ? A groat many will say that thc mcthod ia O, K. in the publisbins city, but hoor about forfOOiidiDC towns ,ind cities? I have fonnd that boy -"iales orfranir:«tions are practiciil in any cilir^ cir Ufwnf 'h.^t :ir(: I.irge enoo^li to v(urr.ii:i three or more boys. in our suburban tcrtiloty we have a small city to whii-S we were *»nd ing 977 papers da:!). A r,,.„i nisu waa iciit to thia city with instmc- liaaa to lanain two waohit atatt a (If eaab Ftiie olFcr aad iaotnict boys in juvenile aalesmanship. In the two weeks we incrr;<«rd ahrxtt I.SQ copies and established ^n nriiini jntion that held the incte.ise and contiaued to act mora buaincas after the road aao had left. Today we are trndiot to that Ay more than 900 |»apers rlaity. In establi^ing successful boys' sales organit.ition, the following are vital factors : Fir4l. An efficient orginiicr. i mun who can bring out all of the MlcsuiMship qualities that arc in a hoy, Sneud, Se ca r tn g the right Mad i<t boys. My experience has been lhat the ery best boys are tb*»e boys who do not have to work, but Like up the carrying of newspapers b< - caiiac they are aipbitioaa and want to become indepcndeat by camlai their spending money, worhiiut their way through GtiUege or alt.iining some other worthy ohject. TkirH. The boy?,' prufir. This 15 one of the most fact>*r9 in any boy sales organization. il a buy feels tbat ho ia well paid, h« ia eery apt to hoM his eolhaaieant and work harder. Carriers, newsdealers and boy agents who handle the Timec e.irji one cent profit on every papi-r thrr selL For this reason, wc never have a«gr troi4)o _wiih the buy* "thfooflng ooer** their routes. One of the nii'SI successful hoy sales managers once remarked in Biy pre*mre lhat when you rut the [ir^l^t of your boys yon cut yi-iir own rhr.iat »u far aa circulati.nn iis concerned. I'oort*. The product for sale. This is tbe most vital factor. The boy salesman can get tbe hn^ine^^, but tf» hold it the puhli^heri nui^t give the people the heal poaaible pa- per at a Digitized by Google