Page:The Fourth Estate, July to December 1917.djvu/555

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The Baltimore Sun and The Monotype

THE SUN SUN SQUARE. BALTIMORE, MD. October niT. LANSTON MONOTYPE ItACHINE ca PaiLAmraiA, ftifXA. Gentlemen : I lake pleasure in advising jou that wc have decided to retain (he a<ldiiional Type C'a-vter recriilly instullrd in mir Casting Riwitti, as wc find tliat this machine, together with the other casting and six composing machines, nfivct tit cacilr Ibfr afiipiMflt we aeed for huMlHiig ow fBaifitKi advertising. We have had an exceptional opfwrtanity for testing out the wMtt- abilit> of this equipmcnl for our ditplay advertiiing work since the first of the year, as we have had to lake care of an increase of TSS.IWT lines of display adveftiMoiK over the Snt nine moniht of UU; the total aaioniit of display advcrtiifait IuumUc^ in our composing foam Iwtwcai ^umaiy lat and Octoiicr lit i iii i wi miw g M 7,006.B4S Unca. Aa ]wii pniidi^ inm, The Siin is one of dM lint ciilift papm United States in the total votanc of advertiihi( carried, and oar ^bOHjr to liaadle the iteadilj growiiv iNUBMii liaa been duo in ■ Imria neaanre to the adaptaUHlgr of (be Monoiy^ enulpmeirt. Its tecliiliiy, cowbtoed with the ranie of tjpo faoei which h malHa poniiiici haa enahled k room to turn oat work highly tnttttfactoty to oar advertiser*. Again thanlcing you for the eonrteooa and the prompt i to our rcqoiremcnti, I aa^ Girdtally yours, (Signed) PAUL PATTBKSON, Are You ready to consider the Monotype and Non-Distribution in your Ad-room? We are ready to help you. LANSTON MONOTYPE MACHINE COMPANY NEW YORl CHICACa Uoaotype in PHILADELPHIA Worid Bailding BOSTON. Waatwortb ~) Bonding TORONTO. limiaJiii of OUfora|a: SAN FRANCISCO!, Riaho THE SUN is not only using Monotype Type &RuIe Casters to provide material lor the use of its hand compositors, but is also setting all of its display advertising on the Mono- type Keyboards. The Monotype equipment comprises six Keyboards, six Composing Machines and two Type&Rule Casters. Digitized by Googjie