Page:The Fourth Estate, July to December 1917.djvu/561

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October 27, 1917 The Fourth Estate THE GOSS COMET Prints 4, 6 or S-pa^c Newspapers from Type Forms and Roll Paper This Press Will Increase Your Profits Let Us Tell You How Hundreds of Satisfied Users Dttfriptivf Lttrratmr* Gladly Sent THE GOSS PRINTING PRESS COMPANY 16th Street and Ashland Avenue CHICAGO, ILL.



How "just a plain everyday garden variety of American newspaper reporters was able to outwit the best brains of the entire foreign service of the German Empire" is obtaining facts cooemtet Gmii* ^Hiuiat bt the United Sutat befora tUa na- tion'f fiitry into the war, w»i told b>- John K. Kalliom, editor of ibc Providence (K. I ) Journal Im the llirml>fr¥ t'f y'ur Phn-iiieifihia .X^-SML-iri |j<m of t rciii: S'.cr. un ' XtnUtT t, Suihc of the innianccii of ihc secret service work done by mrmbcM of Ike i'rovidence Journal alall, a* rchlcd t>y Mr. Raibuna, follow : "At the becinning of the war we were fortunate in bavinx in the Pro- vidence Journal two leta of wirelcia apiiaratua. From the day that war wa* declared in Europe we had ten men. wurking in (daya of twos, whij i<j'>k and copied every wireless me»- angc that went to Cemaiiy from the Sayvillc and TuckerlM wirdeta aia.- tions. We got mora natcriai than can rrr be uiad. "The (^crMM MCd three codes, all of which were vciy difficult. One of them wc have never been able to de- cipher. The other two we worked uut after an effort of several months. -Nficr »c li.d hern collectini these nrs^.is<'s f^tr a few months we pre- sented what we had o Prfsidcni Wil- son and gave him cfr!.,:ii i ib-jui the wireless sicuatiun. "In a nmnber uf the cnetsaKcs we caught there was a reference to the death of 'Little Emily.' Each time ahe died she was barieo in a different place and differetM relativci attended tb* fncraL I told tiie Preaidcat that I dM*M« if KMt Barilr dabt tiroes In two twdii, aad b«  said he did too. "Then »e began a search and made rarrftil un eitigations from the .Atlantic to the Pacific. But it waa esieniial to get OB tfae inaide. We were fortunate in having a rcprcsen- laiive in the German Embauy in

ashiogtun. He was one of our rc- 

fM r;ef». He had been there seven- teen months "In other cili< s i* c our men in file consular branches of the Lfcr- man and Austriao Governments. "Then Ur. .■lbert came over with a $«o.iHiii.uyii ,lu,h fund. He was k-ninij t.i bring this country to the siile of Uerniany. When he arrived in New York he discovered that Count von BemstorfT waa la the Adiroa- dacks. He at once wrote the Count a letter. Our man in the embasajr opened it. "We then went to Dr. Albert just to talk to hiiB. He ycM an boor trv- log to peranade ua that be waa really l>r. AJbett and gave us the baaia of much of gar material wfaleb we oaed ia the future disekaurea^ He bad $4,<M>().000 in eaab with him. 'Wliea Betaatorff retitraed to the embassy on the followiag Ttieaday he opened the letter which had been opened by our embaasy man the Sun- day befor* and aealed up agtia. He never batnr what had happened until be aailcd for Halifax. "In July. igio. ,.nc .if .lur men brought in a co).v of a conversation sent by Aniba»sa<lar Uunib,i to Count Beraitorff Mtying that Mr. Bryan had told him that the President didn't mean what he was aaying and to go ahead. Mr. Bryaa haa never denied this, _ although he has assailed the Providence Journal." SORORITY .MKKTI.Ni-,, . conference of Sni nty rii;r. r» '"I'lJ" th'cago on October 2i, U aad M. PROVISIOMS Ktt RBFOKIBSS .XT ( AMPS. Cummandinii generals of nine of the National .rmy camfM have tde- graphed the War OeparlBant that they can .tccommedate nrwipapcr cor* res:>onden:* In camp. f hcM jmsts are Carana Travia, Lee, Pike. UodK.-. Taylor, Jackaon, Grant, i>c>cns, and Upt<in. Uuarlerii will bie provided (ur c r ruifiundenis at Camp GordoiL, but the) vmM 111! :iiJin:Miil tii offkeii nicsi onl) i: .(i ncM sent out is cens.'>rr<l. Camp Dix olieis 10 turn over some farm housea whea barracfc coostruc- tioD ia finiahed. Camp Meade will have some farm buildings available after November 1. Camp Lewis haa mode no provision for currcs)Knidcnts. Camp i'unstoo offers a ry without me*8 when space becomes available. Camp t ustcr will have s^ace wbcn tbe cantonment is completed aod iraiufcra cSacMd. Camp Upton will iM*« fOOai in barraclia. PUBUSHBRS FALL OUT. f-"dward Doty of Ttiicaloi .5a, pre«i dent of the .Xh.b.oii-i I'lcsi .Mocia- tion. oneXif tht lurvt knu-An newspaper men in the ;s nut exjM'cted lo survive an a:;t-^..l , which he says was made on hmi by fellow pub- lishers of the Tuscaloosa Newa. Three prominent Alabamans arc ia Jail on charge*. Tbe quarrtl followed an argiuncnt over the control of iba newipajtcr. ao it ia said. ON TIADIB COMMISSION. ^Emcat N. JtiddL fonnailp of the Colanbtii (Oiilo) Slatn Jonraal bua- ineas MM, baa been aapotnted a spceUt repeeacntative of the Federal Trada CiM&mlssiDa and oaaigncd to dog^^nmdoiMv^^^die^eoal oii- nsMCB mmpAFws sale SCANDAL UP AGAIN. Tbe arrest on October 85 ia Paris Of Pierre Lenoir and William De- aouebea. charged with trading with the eacmy. haa again brought scandal to the fore ia the French nt-w spapers. According to newspapers the m.mey received by the men ami ■im ted to <KK),OU0, and it came from Switterland m such a manner that the customs authorities could not examine it, It ii ..sicrted fl,800.<MHI was used to I urch,se the Journal from its original proprietor^eiwy UteUier, and mOr 000 waa fa«^ ky Unair aa bn mb. mission. The newspapers alv> say that La- noir held j iKK>ii:oii ni the cciisor'a deparlmcn; dcalinr will, foreign tele- grams, which enirjIjMi him to com- ri.unnatc with S»itzcrl,<nd without restriction, and that he freouently wn: to .Switaerland for week-cadi, .^cn,|,n^^ word to his chief that he waa 111 and unable to report for duty, EMfLovEi;.-;' i.v.srR.NCi.: and NEW AD MA>fAGi;R, Every emplMvc of the Brooklyn (.V V) St.M.iar,! I ,,, r, h.,, been insured h.v :hr |>uW,,hcrs i.,, a total amouot- inK appruximately to a quarter of a inilh.m dollars wilbott MM of dcscripiiion to the annloMiL ntlii a plan of what is I -r-^ - ' " aace. William F. . — - . Rcyiieida hto COVERED CHURCH COlWat. T. T. Frankenburg. a ncwsnancr man was responsible for the puMiei^ for the touocil ol longregationd Churches recently held in Columbus. ri^^^'if meeung sod farniahing th* newipap aia wbiio Iba Digitized by Google