Page:The Fremantle Wharf Crisis of 1919.djvu/33

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Tally Clerks’ Union), who, with Messrs. F. Rowe, Secretary, and J. Widdicombe, Committee (Fremantle Lumpers’ Union), acted as pall-bearers.

Messrs. P. Collier, T. Walker, W. C. Angwin, W. L. Jones, A. E. Green, S. Munsie, J. Lutey, P. O’Loghlen, G. Lambert, S. M. Rocke, and T. Chesson, M’sL.A.; H. Millington, M.L.C.; and E. W. Corboy, M.H.R.; T. McGrath (Perth Lumpers' Union), W. Roche, Secretary (Fremantle Tally Clerks’ Union), J. W. Bird, President, and L. R. Fortune, Secretary (Federated Harbor and River Union), J. Graham, Secretary (Amalgamated Butchers’ Union).

J. W. Burgess and D. Freedman (Bunbury Branch Shop Assistants’ Union); J. O’Neill, Secretary, and T. Gorman, President (East Perth R.S.A.); S. Elphick, Secretary (Drivers and Tenders); C. Webb (Perth Plumbers); J. Curtin, Editor "Westralian Worker"; C. Webb (Fremantle Plumbers); W. Colls (Amalgamated Society of Engineers); W. Wauhop, President, F. Baglin, Secretary (Fremantle District Council A.L.F.); W. Roberts (Federated Meat Employees, Queensland); J. Taylor (Fremantle Harbor Trust).

L. Morgan, Secretary (Federated Moulders), W. J. Farr, President, and G. Bird, Secretary (Midland District Council A.L.F.), E. J. Tonkin, President, W. Sidebottom, Secretary (Horse Drivers’ Union), W. Jeffrey and J. Gawned (W.A. Amalgamated Society of Railway Employees).

T. Walsh (Railway Officers’ Association), T. Lyons, Vice-President, W. Dacus, Secretary (Barmaids and Barmen’s Union), C. H. Rule, President (Tanners and Curriers), J. A. Lake, T. Egan, and F. Morley (Bootmakers), J. H. Cole (Fremantle Tramways), J. H. Green (Marvel Loch Miners), W. N. Smith, Secretary, and W. W. Mooney (Furniture Trades), E. J. Tweedall, Secretary (Hotel and Restaurant Employees).

A. V. Hughes, President, R. E. Marshall, Vice-President (Brewery Employees), E. Pickering, T. Bycroft (Perth Tramways), T. C. Butler (A.W.U), G. Kerr (Municipal Employees and Water and Sewerage Employees), Mrs. Lindley and Mr A. Martin (Leederville A.L.F.)

Mrs. W. D. Johnson (Labor Women, West Guildfdrd. Branch), S. M. Payne (West Guildford A.L.F.), M. Donnes (South Fremantle R.S.A.), Miss Webb (Secretary Fremantle Labor Women), P. J. Trainer (Secretary Social Democratic League).

H. Stockdale (Westonia Miners), A. E. Pyrce (Secretary Fremantle Workers’ Club), J. Lutey, M.L.A. (Eastern Gold-