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this bon mot snappily, "I'm just a regular fellow. Step right up and call me 'Speedy,' dad." It was the first time he had had a chance to try out the favorite salutation of his new hero, Lester Laurel, whom he had seen that very evening in "The College Hero"—"The Screen Epic Glorifying the American College Man," at Sanford's leading motion picture emporium, Horowitz's Palace.

But Harold's parent did not accept the offer to shake hands. He acknowledged the strange salutation by opening his mouth in fresh amazement and by staring at his son blankly over his gold-rimmed glasses.

Then Henry Lamb found voice. "What's this nonsense now, hey? More of this college craziness?"

"Why, I saw it in the movies, dad," Harold explained eagerly. "Lester Laurel does it in that college picture every time he is introduced to anybody. I've been practicing it ever since. I bet it would make a hit in any college."

"I bet they would fire you out if you did it," retorted Henry Lamb. "I don't know what to make of you, Harold. I'll be glad when you get settled down in Cleveland working for your Uncle Peter."

Harold dropped his pose and took up the plaintive protest that had been annoying his