Page:The Friendly Stars by Martha Evans Martin.djvu/293

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Theta Orionis, a double star, 169, 174. "Three Kings," the, 95. Thuban, formerly the Pole Star, 201. Time of rising and set- ting of the stars, 13- 16. Triangulum, stars in, 215. Two Dog Stars, the, chap- ter xiv.., 106-116.

URANUS, the planet, 26.

VEGA, harbinger of spring, 23; pronunciation, 18; compared with Arcturus, 42; chapter vi., 48-54; rising, 48, 52; how to find, 49; identity, 50; when visible, 51, 53, 60; in constellation Lyra, 52, 206; brilliancy, 53; stage of development, 54; magnitude, 143; future Pole Star, 184. Venus, the planet, 26-28 Virgo, or Virgin, stars in, 46, 47, 234, 235; sixth sign of the Zodiac, 234.

WALT WHITMAN, verse by, v.

ZOSMA, or Delta Leonis, in Leo, 232.