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available, so half the time my sister’s and my riding consisted of walking home. She bears the scars yet of being scraped off his back by an apple tree. It was not until many years later that I had proper riding instruction and I consider that system the reverse of what it should be.

There has been much more attention paid to boys’ athletics than to girls’. So much, in fact, that many boys have easy access to coaching in various games as well as track subjects, and most girls do not. Consequently, often little incentive is pro­vided for girls to try to develop athletically and, also, little opportunity, when they do wish to. Usu­ally it is not until girls reach college that any com­parative attention is paid to them.

Of course there is more than the mere lack of facilities and teaching to consider. Feminine cloth­ing consisting of skirts, and high heels (after one begins to grow up) certainly make more difficult natural freedom of movement. Then, dresses are much more fragile than masculine garments, so the wearers are usually hampered by being on guard against tearing them.

Tradition hampers just as much as clothing. From the period when girls were not supposed to be able to do anything comes a natural doubt when­ ever they attempt new or different activities. Whether or not they are fitted to do what men do physically remains to be seen. Tennis, riding, golf and other sports seem not to be harming individ­-