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pointing to his bust, which you see on the top of the book-shelf yonder. He smiles and looks at you, with a good deal of affection."

In a moment he said, addressing the, to me, invisible vision, "I thank you for this visit; but, just now, this gentleman and I would be alone. I shall be glad to see you again. I am at home almost every evening. Come, and we will have a cosy chat together."

He paused for a few minutes, as if listening, and then, rising from his chair, he continued, "Before I can do that I must know more of your purposes; meanwhile treat your subject tenderly; for his brain is in a highly-excited condition."

A moment more he listened, and then, bowing very low, said, "Good-day. Be sure to give me a visit shortly."

"What did he want of you?" I asked impatiently.

"That I should induce you to do some work he has set his heart upon. But, hush! Light a cigar to quiet your nerves, and let him get well out of hearing."

I lighted the cigar, and had enveloped myself in a cloud of smoke—so eagerly did I puff away, when drawing his chair close to mine, the gentleman said in a low whisper, "He is not Franklin; though he wears his clothes and has his features. I did not tell you at first for fear of offending him."

"Then who is he?"

"I do not know. He is a stranger to me; but Franklin I know well. He and Bacon drop in upon me nearly every evening."

"Then he is, as I have thought, some evil spirit, who has been deceiving me?"

"He has been deceiving you; but it does not follow that he is an evil spirit. He has not the eye of one, and he did not regard you with looks of hatred. Spirits, you know, can assume any form, and they often counterfeit great men to gain attention."

"And what is there peculiar about the eye of an evil spirit?"

"It burns like a black flame, and has a deep, malignant look, such as you have seen in some species of owls. Evil spirits are your real nightbirds; and the owl is only a type of his spiritual fellow."

"And what do you think of my vision?"

"That it was a real vision; but that your body was not moved from the bed, nor your soul transported to the celestial regions. You were psychologized, and made to see what was passing in the mind of the spirit."

"Then it was not the result of an over-excited brain and a disordered imagination?"

"No doubt it was, partly; for if your brain had not been over-worked, the spirit might not have been able to so control you.