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The Game of Life and How to Play It

being a perfect idea in Divine Mind, and, therefore, whole and perfect, but if he continues his destructive thinking, hoarding, hating, fearing, condemning, the disease will return.

Jesus Christ knew that all sickness came from sin, but admonished the leper after the healing, to go and sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon him.

So man’s soul (or subconscious mind) must be washed whiter than snow, for permanent healing; and the metaphysician is always delving deep for the “correspondence.”

Jesus Christ said, “Condemn not lest ye also be condemned.”

"Judge not, lest ye be judged.”

Many people have attracted disease and unhappiness through condemnation of others.

What man condemns in others, he attracts to himself.

For example: A friend came to me in anger and distress, because her husband had deserted her for another woman. She condemned the other woman, and said continually, “She knew he was a married man, and had no right to accept his attentions.”

I replied. “Stop condemning the woman, bless her, and be through with the situation, otherwise, you are attracting the same thing to yourself.”

She was deaf to my words, and a year or two later, became deeply interested in a married man, herself.

Man picks up a live-wire whenever he criticises or condemns, and may expect a shock.

Indecision is a stumbling-block in many a path-