Page:The Garden of Romance - 1897.djvu/66

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the sword unto your court, I shall tell you the cause of her coming, she is the falsest damsel that liveth." "Say not so," said they; "she hath a brother, a passing good knight of prowess, and a full true man; and this damsel loved another that held her to paramour, and this good knight, her brother, met with the knight that held her to paramour, and slew him by force of his hands. When this false damsel understood this, she went to the lady Lily of Avelion, and besought her of help to be avenged on her brother. And so this lady Lily of Avelion took her this sword, which she brought with her, and told that there should no man draw it out of the scabbard, but if he were one of the best knights of this realm, and he should be hardy and full of prowess, and with that sword he should slay her brother. This was the cause that the damsel came into this court." "I know it as well as ye do," said Merlin; "would to God she had never come into this court, for she came never in fellowship or worship to do good, but alway great harm, and that knight which hath achieved the sword shall be destroyed by that sword; wherefore it shall be great damage, for there is not living a knight of more prowess than he is, and he shall do unto you my lord, King Arthur, great honour and kindness; and great pity it is, for he shall not endure but a while, and as for his strength and hardiness, I know not his match living." But the knight of Ireland armed him in all points, and dressed him his shield on his shoulder, and mounted upon horseback, and took his spear in his hand, and rode after as fast as his horse could run; and within a little on a mountain he had a sight of Balin, and with a loud voice he cried to him, and said, "Abide, knight, for ye shall abide,