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By Mrs. Hemans.

How is it that before mine eyes,
    While gazing on thy mien,
All my past years of life arise,
    As in a mirror seen?
What spell within thee hath been shrined,
To image back my own deep mind?

Even as a song of other times
    Can trouble memory's springs;
Even as a sound of vesper-chimes
    Can wake departed things;
Even as a scent of vernal flowers
Hath records fraught with vanished hours;

Such power is thine!—they come, the dead,
    From the grave's bondage free,
And smiling back the changed are led,
    To look in love on thee;
And voices that are music flown
Speak to me in the heart's full tone.

Till crowding thoughts my soul oppress,
    The thoughts of happier years,
And a vain gush of tenderness
    O'erflows in childlike tears;