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MARCH 1862.


By Charles Carter Blake, Esq.

In these days of progress, when the alleged origin of the human race from a transmuted gorilla is canvassed as a demonstrable and demonstrated theory by many geologists and zoologists, and the pens of various distinguished writers are occupied to prove the absolute identity of man's physiological and psychological nature with that of the beasts of the field, it behoves the candid student of palæontology to inquire what are the fossil members of the Order of Mammalia immediately beneath man—the Quadrumana, and whether they are such individuals as might fulfil the hypothetical condition of being his ancestors, under any of the "derivative" theories propounded by Darwin or Lamarck.

The Geologist, volume 5, page 81.png

Humerus of Dryopithecus Fontani. (Scale 1/2 linear.)

In venturing upon this field of error, doubt, and confusion, I wish dispassionately to endeavour to divest myself of any adherence to any prevailing doctrine. Imbued strongly with the conviction of the unity of type of all animals, and with the probability of their common