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Tasmania, Mineral Resources of, 306.

Tavlor, J., Footprints in Cambrian Rocks of Isle of Man, 321.

'The Tenby Bone Caves,' 115.

'Theology of Geology,' by W. Gillespie, 158.

Todmorden, Excursion to, E. W. Binney on, 311.

Torbane Mineral Field, A. Taylor on, 43.

Trails, Tracks, and Surface Markings, T. Rupert Jones on, 128, 454.

Treflach Quarry, Fossils from, 316.

Trent, Human Remains from the Valley, of the, Professor Huxley on, 201.

——————, C. Carter Blake on, 215.

Trinidad, Pitch Lakes, B. Lechmere Guppy on, 258.

Turtle Remains in Upper Greensand of Cambridge, Note on by S. J. Mackie, 73.


Vegetable Organisms, Permanence of, Professor Unger on, 109.

, Eemains at Boiu*nemout]i, 427. Ventilation of Mines, J. Goodwin on, 95,96. Ventriculites, What are the, S.J. Mackie, 161. Vesuvius, Etuption of, M. P. de Tcliiha- tcheff on, 93. Volcanic Phenomena, Torre del Greco, Signor Palmieri on, 92.

  • Volcanos and their Phenomena,' by

G. P. Scrope, reviewed, 360. , Mr. Braylcy's Lectures on, 465. EX. 481 W. Wallabies' Holes, Peculiar Substance from, Eiver Murray, S. Austraha, W. I^turray on, 63. , Substance from, Analvsis of, 141.

Weald Clay at Maidstone, 381.

Whales of the Antwerp Crag, M. Van Beneden on, 96.

Whitaker, W., on Eocene Beds of London Basin, 266.

Wollaston Medal and Fund, 142.

Wood, Edward, on Coal, Coalpits, and Pitmen, 185.

Woodward, S. P., on Barrettia, 372.

———————, on Cyphosoma Kœnigi, 41.

Wookey Hole, Hyæna Den at, W. B. Dawkins on, 92.

Works of Dr. Julius Schvarez, 114.

Wright, Dr. T., on Northampton Sands, 39.

Wyatt, J., on Disputed Beads in the Drift, 233.

Wynne, A. B., on Drift Fossils in Ireland, 428.

——————, on Geology of Sligo, 422.


'Year-book of Facts in Science and Art,' by J. Timbs, 119.


Zanzibar, Geology of, E. Thornton on, 311.

Zollverein, Coals, and Brown Coal of the, 391.

'Zoology of Ancient Europe,' by A. Newton, reviewed, 318.