Page:The Girl Who Earns Her Own Living (1909).djvu/187

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to build up a desirable clientele will be very careful in the matter of office etiquette.

Facial massage is more difficult, but also more profitable. When you can make the members of your own sex better-looking, you can command their last dollar. The prices are much the same as for scalp massage. Remember that the woman who comes to you for facial treatment is generally tired in body and nerves. First make her comfortable and quiet. Do not chatter. The secret of preserving your own strength and reviving hers is quiet concentration on the movements of your hands. If your hands are engaged in one direction and your thoughts in another, you must use double the amount of vital energy employed when you keep quiet.

Second, send your patient away looking attractive. It will take a little more time, but it will be casting bread upon the water that is bound to come back. Not long ago a friend of mine changed masseuses. I asked her why she had dismissed Miss Jones, who is considered a skilled worker.

"Oh," was her reply, "I know she had wonderful hands, but she never bothered to take the cream off your face. You have to clean up your face, powder and fix yourself generally. Miss Green, my new girl, leaves you feeling so cumfy. She washes off the cream, powders