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Glimpses of Gurudev R.D. Ranade Publisher's Note The Academy of Comparative Philosophy and Religion, Belagavi is a Public Trust registered by Shri Gurudev R.D. Ranade in 1952, with the following aims and objects. "To work for the spiritual unity of mankind and consequent peace and goodwill upon earth bringing together intellectually and spiritually minded persons through 1) spiritual symposiums, 2) study and research, 3) lectures, 4) meetings and conferences and 5) religious and philosophical publications." We are publishing this book - Gimpses of Shri Gurudev R.D. Ranade - in furtherence of these aims and objects. The Treatise is eminently readable and has a unique place in the literature on Gurudev as it contains reminiscences of those who had first-hand acquaintance with him. They cherished nostalgic memories of those charming days. Their's was a privilege to meet Gurudev, talk to him, attend sittings at Nimbal, get their problems solved by him, receive Nama while he was still with us, partake in his blessings and enjoy his holy company. The articles here, therefore, have a warm personal touch. We are thankful to Prof. B.R. Kulkarni for selecting these Glimpses from old Numbers of Pathway to God and arranging them broadly in two classes, personal memories and philosophical discussions. Prof. Kulkarni is the author of 'Critical and Constructive Aspects of Prof. R.D. Ranade's Philosophy'. He has lived and moved with Gurudev. He was thus the right person to undertake the present work. His Editorial Note gives a good and correct picture of Gurudev. Prof. Kulkarni's services deserve our appreciation and we are grateful to him for his labour of love in bringing out this brochure. III