Page:The Glugs of Gosh (C. J. Dennis, 1917).djvu/27

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Ponder on pebbles or stock exchange shares,
On the mission of man or the life of a bug,
On planets or billiards, policemen or bears,
Alert all the time for the sight of a Glug.

Meditate deeply on softgoods or sex,
On carraway seeds or the causes of bills,
Biology, art, or mysterious wrecks,
Or the tattered white fleeces of clouds on blue hills.

Muse upon ologies, freckles and fog,
Why hermits live lonely and grapes in a bunch.
On the ways of a child or the mind of a dog.
Or the oyster you bolted last Friday at lunch.

Heard you no sound like a shuddering sigh?
Or the great shout of laughter that swept down the sky?
Saw you no sign on the wide Milky Way?
Then there's naught left to you now but to pray.

Sit you at eve when the Shepherd in Blue
Calls from the West to his clustering sheep.
Then pray for the moods that old mariners woo,
For the thoughts of young mothers who watch their babes sleep.