Page:The Glugs of Gosh (C. J. Dennis, 1917).djvu/40

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But a dug stood up with some very large ears,
And said, "Theer is more in this thing than appears!
And we ought to ic taxing these goods of the Ogs,
Or our industries soon will be gone to the dogs."
And the King said. "Bosh! You're un-Gluggish and rude!"
And the Queen said, 'What an absurd attitude!
Then the Glugs cried, "Down with political quacks!
How did our grandpas look at a tax?"
So the Knight. Sir Stodge, he opened his Book.
"No tax." said he. "wherever I look."
Then they fined the Glug with the prominent ears
For being old-fashioned by several years;
And the Ogs went home with the stones, full steam.
Do you notice the scheme?
Nor yet did the Glugs in their dreamiest dream.

Then every month to the land of Gosh
The Ogs, they continued to come.
With buttons and hooks, and medical books,
And rotary engines, and rum,
Large cases with labels, occasional tables,
Hair tonic, and fiddles and 'phones;
And the Glugs, while concealing their joy in the dealing,