Page:The Glugs of Gosh (C. J. Dennis, 1917).djvu/86

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Now, the Mayor of Quog, a small suburb of Gosh,
Was intensely annoyed at the act of King Splosh
In asking the Mayor of Piphel to tea
With himself and the Queen on a Thursday at three;
When the King must have known that the sorriest
If a native of Piphel, was hated in Quog.

An act without precedent! Quog was ignored!
The Mayor and Council and Charity Board,
They met and considered this insult to Quog:
And they said. "'Tis the work of the treacherous Og!
'Tis plain the Og influence threatens the Throne;
And the Swanks are all crazed with this trading in stone."

Said the Mayor of Quog: "This has long been foretold
In a prophecy penned by the Seer of old.
We must search, if we'd banish the curse of our time.
For a mender of pots who's a maker of rhyme.
'Tis to him we must look when our luck goes amiss,
But, Oh, where in all Gosh is a Glug such as this?"