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wooden box, does nicely; or one may use any sheet metal. It is well to lay old newspaper in bottom of tray, and to place in front corners of tray just a small amount of absorbent substance such as sawdust, earth, peat moss, shavings, ashes, etc., to absorb urine and thus prevent odors. If trays are emptied about once per week or 10 days the hamstery keeps in a practically odorless condition.

STACK-LOCK STRIPS: Should the builder wish, floors for this pen may be made just like those in Fancier’s 2-Pen Unit, Chap. 22, with front part hdw. cl. and rear part board, in which case the quickly installed Pen Supports (PS) of plain 2x4 blocks may be used instead of Stack-Lock Strips shown as S In Fig. IV in this pen design.

For those desiring to use this pen exactly as designed, here are the stack-lock strip directions: Either 3- or 4-inch board width may be used, 4-inch giving better service. Fig. VI shows how to saw off ends of board to make stack-lock joints on the ends of these strips which are also the supporting legs for the pens. Saw on the dotted line LJ. The receiving joint is an inch deep. The Fig. I two-pen unit lowered to rest upon that in Fig. II shows exactly how stack-lock side strips join to lock the entire stack of pens and prevent any sidewise sliding or falling of pens. The 2-pen unit is turned upon its side to install the stack-lock strips, as S in Fig. IV shows them already in place. Tops of strips are even with tops of pens. Fasten with 2- to 212-inch nails, clinching for added strength. If desired, two 2-inch screws (Scr) may be placed immediately below the stack-lock joint to afford more ruggedness. Holes may be drilled for such screws. Fig. IV also shows hdw. cl. floor, and base strips (BS) supporting the floor. If desired, pens of this design may be built in 3-pen and 4-pen units by using top and back boards 9 inches longer per additional pen desired per unit.

20. Display Cages

Illustration SD shows a display cage suitable for exhibiting hamsters at pet shows and fairs, also for school room pets. This pen may be constructed double- length, with partition, to display two pens of animals.

