Page:The Gospel by Wireless - James Ebenezer Boon.djvu/30

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Wireless Outfit in Church.

What Would the Diocesan Chancellor Say?

Widespread interest has been created by the fact that Dr. J. Boon delivered a sermon to his congregation at Christ Church, Peckham, last evening by wireless, from Blackheath.

Some clergymen see infinite value in "broadcasting" for purposes of propaganda. But opinions vary as to whether the system should be introduced as a common method of carrying on services on Sundays.

Canon's View.

"I personally have no objection to preaching by wireless," said the Rev. J. G. Simpson, Canon and Precentor of St. Paul's, to a Star reporter to-day.

"I see no objection to the method itself, because in quite a number of churches telephones are provided to connect the pulpit with the pew for the sake of deaf members of the congregation.

"Preaching by wireless is only the extension of the principle on a grand scale. But I am opposed to introducing sensational methods into worship, advertising and things of that sort.

Unlikely at St. Paul's.

"Needless to say, we are not likely to have either a transmitting or receiving instrument installed at St. Paul's Cathedral."

Other clergy think wireless would be useful on such occasions as meetings of the Bishops, such as the Lambeth Conference, when the Archbishop could speak to millions at once. But there are a few sceptics who wonder whether the new Chancellor of the diocese of London will be able to square a wireless installation with the Ornaments Rubric, and permit it as a part of the furniture of an ordinary parish church.

Marshall Brothers, Ltd., Crane Court, Fleet St., E.C.