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Again when it will carry you to a better place, be equally resigned. The Lord has kept you in the world, what can you do? Resign every- thing to Him, even your own dear self; then all trouble will be over. You will see then that He is doing everything; everywhere is the will of Rama [1] (God). In a certain village there lived a weaver. He was very spiritual; everyone trusted and Parable of the pious weaver. loved him. The weaver went to the market to sell his cloth. If a customer asked the price of it, he would say: "By the will of Rama the thread cost one Rupee, by the will of Rama the labor cost four Annas, by the will of Rama the profit is two Annas, by the will of Rama the price of the cloth as it stands is one Rupee and six Annas." People had such confidence in him that they would immediately pay the price and take the cloth. This man was a true devotee. At night after dinner he would sit for a long time and meditate on God and repeat His Holy Name. Once it was late into the night; he could not sleep;


  1. The word Rama refers to the Divine Hero described in the Hindu epic called "Ramayana." It is also a name which the Hindu Bhaktas use for the Supreme Lord of the universe.