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ing, so by the latter we know that it is the same as fire. By realizing the one both are realized. They are one just as much as milk and its whiteness are one. We cannot conceive the milk without the whiteness.

They are one just as a gem and its brightness are one. We cannot conceive a gem without the brightness.

They are one just as the serpent and its sinuous motion are one. We cannot conceive of the serpent without the serpentine movements.

He who knows what "light" is has the knowledge of darkness also. He who has the conception of the phenomenal world must have also some conception of the Absolute Noumenon. He who knows the Sakti, or the Personal aspect of the Absolute Being, knows also the Impersonal Brahman. Again, he who has realized the Absolute Noumenon has also realized the phenomenon. He who has realized Brahman has also realized the Personal God or Divine Mother (Sakti).

This Divine Mother bestows the highest The power of the Divine Mother. knowledge of Brahman (Brahma-jnana) by bringing her devotee into the state of Samâdhi. She it is who brings him down on the plane of sense-con-Italic text