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Sri Ramakrishna continuing: My Divine Mother is playful. The world indeed is Her Divine Mother's will. sport. She does what She will and is blissful. It is Her pleasure to give freedom to one among a hundred thousand of Her children. A Brahmo: Sir, She can, if She pleases, set every body free. Why is it then that She has bound us hand and foot with the chains of the world ? Sri Ramakrishna: Well, I suppose it is Her will. Her will is to play with all these things. In the game of Hide-and-Seek, whoever touches the Grand-dame is out. He no longer runs about. If all the players touch the Grand- dame at the same time, how can there be any game? The Grand-dame would not like it; for she is pleased to have the play go on. And the Bhagavan, placing Himself in the position of a man of the world laying the trouble of his heart before the Mother, sang:

The Divine Mother and Her Children

I. This is the grief for which I grieve. When Thou, O Mother, art here, thieves (passions) rob me though I am wide awake.