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class. Narendra, seeing that the Bhagavan was in Samadhi, had left the room and gone to the eastern veranda, where Hazra[1] was seated on a blanket telling his beads. Narendra be- gan to talk with him. In the meanwhile the Bhagavan looked for Narendra in the room, but he was not there. The Tanpura (musical in- strument) was lying on the ground. The devo- tees all had their eyes fixed upon the Bhaga- van, who began thus, referring to Narendra: He has lighted the fire. It matters not whether he remains in the room or leaves it! Then turning towards Visvanatha and His numerous devotees, He said: Meditate upon Bliss comes in meditation. God, the sole Existence, Knowledge and Bliss Eternal, and you also shall have bliss. That Being of Knowledge and Bliss is always here and everywhere, only It is covered and obscured by ignorance. The less is your attachment towards the senses, the more- will be your love for God.

Visvanatha: The more we near our home at Calcutta, the farther we are from Benares, and the more we near Benares, the farther we are away from our home.

  1. See note page 128.