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we cannot think of the stone without its bright-ness, nor can we think of the brightness apart from the stone. The Absolute Existence-Intelli- gence-Bliss, the Undifferentiated, appears as differentiated into many. He has various names applied to Him according to the vari-ous powers manifested. That is the reason of His having many forms. Hence a devotee has sung: "O my Mother Tara,[1] Thou art even all that." Wherever there is action, such as crea- tion, preservation and destruction, there is Sakti or Intelligent Energy. But water is water whether it is calm or disturbed. That One Absolute Existence-Intelligence-Bliss is also the eternally Intelligent Energy which creates, preserves and destroys the universe. Thus it is the same Visvanatha whether he does nothing or performs his worship or visits the Governor-General. In all cases it is the same Visvanatha, only these are his different Upadhis or states.

Visvanatha: Yes, Sir, that is so. Bhagavan: I said this to Keshab Chandra Sen.

  1. Tara is another name of the Divine Mother of the universe.