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Personal God of the Bhakta are three in one and one in three.) (2) Bhagavata - Bhakta - Bhagavan. (The Word, the devotee and the Personal God are three in one and one in three.)

(3) Brahma-Sakti, Sakti-Brahma. (God the Absolute and the Creative Energy are one and the same.)

(4) Veda-Purana-Tantra-Gita-Gayatri. (God of the Scriptures and Holy texts.)

(5) Saranagata, Saranagata. (I take refuge in Thee. I am Thine, I am Thine.)

(6) Naham-Naham, Tuhu-Tuhu. (Not I, not I, but Thou, but Thou.)

(7) Ami Yantra, tumi yantri. (I am the machine; Thou art the One who runs the machine.)

After all these repetitions were ended, He meditated upon the Mother Divine with clasped hands. A few of the devotees had been walking about in the garden during the evening. When the Arati ceremonies were over in the temples, one after another they came together in Sri Rama- krishna's room. He was sitting on His seat with devotees be- fore Him on the floor. He said: Narendra,