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with such intense devotion and faith! Again at another time I said to the Mother: "I shall have no child of my own, but I wish to have as my child a pure Bhakta, who will stay with me all the time. Send me such an one." Then came Rakhal (Brahmananda). Those who are my own are parts of my very Self.


In referring to the time of joyous illumina- tion which immediately followed His enlighten- ment, He exclaimed: What a state it was! The slightest cause aroused in me the thought of the Divine Ideal. Visit to Zoolog-ical Garden. One day I went to the Zoological Garden in Calcutta. I desired espe- cially to see the lion, but when I beheld him, I lost all sense-consciousness and went into Samadhi. Those who were with me wished to show me the other animals, but I replied: "I saw everything when I saw the king of beasts. Take me home." The strength of the lion had aroused in me the consciousness of the

    the founder of the Temple garden at Dakshineswara. He recognized the Divine powers and superhuman character of Sri Ramakrishna and became His devoted disciple.