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Ramakrishna. The Bhagavan, as usual, re- turned his salutation with His well-known modesty, bowing very low. Mozoomdar said: Revered Sir, I have recently been to Darjeeling. Sri Ramakrishna: But you do not appear to be much the better for the change. What is the matter with you ? Mozoomdar: The same complaint to which Keshab Chunder Sen succumbed. A certain Mahratta lady was then spoken of. Mozoomdar said that she had been to England and had embraced Christianity. He asked the Bhagavan whether He had ever heard of the woman. The Bhagavan replied: No, but from what I hear from you, I should think she must be a person who wishes to make a name for her- Egotism rises from igno-rance. self - Egotism of this kind is not good. Those who seek for fame are under a delusion. "I do this or that," this sense arises from ignorance. But "O Lord, Thou art doing everything" is true

    many principal cities of America. He was the author of the "Oriental Christ." In 1879 he wrote his celebrated article on "Ramakrishna," which was published in the Theistic Quarterly Review of India; and which was incor- porated with "My Master" by Swami Vivekananda.