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as the Rajas quality predominates, attach- ment to work increases. One cares more for one's own worldly good, — riches, honor, fame. It gradually leads to ignorance which makes one forget God, the Reality of the uni- verse. God cannot be realized until the Sattwa qualities, such as devotion, right discrimina- tion, dispassion and compassion for all, prevail. All attachment to lust and gold proceeds from Rajas and Tamas qualities, but work cannot be renounced entirely. Propelled by nature (Prakriti) you plunge into work even against your wish. Therefore I say you should work with non-attachment; in other words, you should work without seeking the fruit. In a great religious ceremony we give alms to the poor and do various other charitable works and may think that we are absolutely unattached to the results of such works, but in the end we find that the desire for name and fame has crept up in the heart, we do not know how. But he alone who has seen and realized God can become absolutely unattached to work and its result. A devotee: What is the path for those who have not realized God? Is it necessary for them to give up all work and worldly activity?