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said: "Very good, very good! Well, what kind of lectures do you give?" Sasadhar: Revered Sir, I try to explain the truth taught by the Holy Scriptures.

Bhagavan: For this age Bhakti Yoga, com-munion with God by love, devotion and self- surrender, as practised by the Rishi Narada, is enjoined. There is hardly time for Karma Yoga, for doing the works laid upon man by the Scriptures. Do you not see that the well- known decoction of the ten medicinal roots (Dasamul Pachan) is not the medicine for fevers of the present day? The patient runs the risk of being carried off before the medicine has had time to take effect. "Fever-mixture" is therefore the order of the day. Teach them Karma if you like, but leave aside the head and tail of the fish. I tell people not to bother with the long ritual of Sandhya, but to repeat only the short Gayatri.[1] You are welcome to talk of work to such people if you must.

  1. Gayatri is the most sacred and the most universally used of all Vedic prayers among the Hindus. It is a Sanskrit Mantram or formula which means: "Let us meditate on that" glorious self-effulgent light of the Divine Sun; may He enlighten our Buddhi or understanding. " This is still the daily prayer of all the Hindus of the upper three castes.