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There are infinite ways which lead to the sea of immortality. The main thing is to fall into that sea; it matters not how one gets there. Suppose there is a reservoir of nectar, a single drop of which falling into the mouth will make one immortal. You may drink of it either by jumping into the reservoir or by slowly walking down along its slope. The result will be the same even if you are pushed or thrown into it by another. Taste a little of that nectar and become immortal. Innumerable are the paths. Jnana, Karma, Bhakti are all paths which lead to the same Different paths to God. goal. If you have intense longing you will surely reach God. Yoga (communion with God) is of four kinds: Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Bhakti Yoga. Jnana Yoga is communion with God by means of right discrimination and knowledge in its highest sense. The object of a Jnani Jnana Yoga. is to know and realize the Absolute. He discriminates between the Absolute Reality and the unreal phenomena by saying: "Not this," "Not this," until he comes to a point