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A true Jnani, or knower of the Absolute, may be recognized by certain signs. A real Jnani The signs of a true Jnani. does harm to no one. His nature be- comes like that of an innocent child. As a burnt rope retains its shape and appears from a distance like a real rope, but in truth a breath can blow it away, so the egoism of a Jnani is merely apparent. A child has no at- tachment for anything. It may build a toy house; if anyone touches it, it cries; but the next moment it will itself break it to pieces. So a true Jnani lives in the world, but unat- tached. He may possess things of great value, but he has no attachment for them. In monis- tic Vedanta the waking state is no more real Parable of a woodcutter and his dream. than the dream state. A wood- cutter was dreaming a happy dream, but being suddenly awakened by some one, he exclaimed with annoyance: "Why did you awaken me? I was a king and the father of seven children. My children were all receiving education in the various sciences. I was seated on the throne and ruling over my country. Why did you destroy so happy and

    is regarded in India as the Incarnation of Shiva and the em- bodiment of Divine Wisdom.