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longer that but this. He dwells within all. Whoever seeks Him finds Him. Sub-Judge: I am a sinner; how can I say that God dwells in me? Sri Ramakrishna: You always talk of sin and sinners; this is the Christian doctrine. Have faith in the Holy Name of the Lord. By the power of faith all sins will be washed away. Sub-Judge: Revered Sir, how can I have such a faith? Ramakrishna: First be devoted to God. You have in one of your songs: "O Lord, canst Thou be known without devotion, simply by good works and sacrifice?" That which brings true devotion and unselfish love for God you must pray for with earnest longing in silence. Shed tears of repentance until you have ac- quired these. A Brahmo devotee: Revered Sir, when will they get time? They have to work in their offices. Ramakrishna (to Sub-Judge ): Well, resign yourself to the will of the Lord and draw up a Resign all to God. power of attorney in His favor. If anyone depends entirely upon some good man, does he do any evil to him? Inter- nally lay upon Him your whole burden and sit