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heart. It is very difficult to be a spiritual leader (Acharya). One easily loses a great deal by it. When many people show honor and re-spect, ordinary preachers become egotistic and are easily spoiled. They cannot go further. They merely gain a little fame. Perhaps people will say: "Oh! Bijoy Babu is a good speaker or he is very wise," that is all. Never think, "I am speaking." I tell my Divine Mother: "O Mother, I am merely an instru- ment in Thy hands. Thou dost everything. As Thou guidest me and makest me speak, so shall I speak." Bijoy (very humbly): Please give me Thy permission. Without Thy permission I cannot begin the service. Ramakrishna (smiling): Who am I to permit you? Ask the permission of the Lord. When genuine humility comes, there is no fear. Bijoy repeated his request and Sri Rama-krishna then said: "You can go and begin ac-cording to your custom, but keep your mind on God." Bijoy began the service with a prayer to the Divine Mother. After the service was over, he came down from the platform and again sat near Sri Ramakrishna. The Bhagavan said to