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with other people, you should love them all,Become one with all. become absolutely one with them. Do not hate anyone. Do not recognize caste or creed. Do not say that this man believes in a Personal God, that man be-lieves in an Impersonal God; this man worships God with form, that man worships God without form; this man is a Hindu, that one is a Chris-tian or a Mohammedan. Saying this, do not condemn one another. These distinctions ex-ist because God has made different people understand Him in different ways. The differ-ence lies in the nature of the individuals. Knowing this you will mix with all as closely as possible and love them as dearly as you can. Then when you go home, you will enjoy bliss-ful happiness in your soul. Light the candle of wisdom in the secret chamber of your heart. By that light see the face of my Absolute Mother, and by that light you will also see the true nature of your real Self. When cowherds All sects of one family. drive the cattle to a pasture from different quarters, the cows form themselves into one herd as if of the same family; but when they return at night, they separate, each going to its own home. So the Bhaktas of different sects and creeds, when they