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We cannot even say that all that we hear or see — be it an object or a person — is a part of God. Infinity is one; how can it have parts? It cannot be divided." Ramakrishna: God may be Infinite or even greater than Infinite; but by His omnipotent Divine incarnation. will He can manifest His essence through human form and incarnate Himself among us. Indeed He does incarnate Himself as a human being. How He incarnates we cannot explain by words. One must feel it and realize it. By analogy we can get only a faint idea of it. For instance, if you have touched the horn, leg or udder of a cow, have you not touched the whole cow? But for us human beings the milk is the most important thing and that you can get only from the udder, not from any other part of the body. The In- carnation of God is like the udder, through which flows the milk of Divine Love. In order to give mankind His essence of Divine Love and Bhakti the Lord incarnates from time to time in a human form.

Girish: Narendra says: "Is it possible to fully comprehend God? He is Infinite." Ramakrishna: That is true. Who can fully comprehend God or even any of His attributes,