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verberating from the never-ceasing voice that comes up from the Eternal Deep ?


Girish stood at the door of his house. He had come to receive the Bhagavan. Sri Rama-krishna came up with His disciples. At the blessed sight Girish fell at His feet prostrate. The sight was indeed a blessed one and the dis-ciples looked on with awe and admiration. Girish received on his head the dust of His hallowed feet and rose at the Master's bidding. He led the way to the drawing-room, where the Bhagavan and His disciples took their seats. They longed to drink the nectar of His words which brought everlasting life.

He was about to take His seat when He found a newspaper lying by His side. As newspapers had to do with worldly-minded men, with worldly matters, with gossip and scandal, they were unholy objects in His eyes. He made a sign and the paper was put away. Thereupon He took His seat. Nityagopal [1] bowed down and saluted His feet.

  1. Nityagopal was a devoted Bhakta who reached a very high state of spiritual ecstasy (Bhava). He was a young man who lived like a Sannyasin, although he did not join