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(Dhyana); but it is very different from realiza-tion through His Grace. If He, out Intellectual apprehension and realiza-tion. of His Grace, makes us realize what is God-Incarnate and how He manifests through a human form, then it is no longer necessary to reason or ex-plain. Do you know how it is? As in a dark room someone rubs a match on the side of the box and all at once a light is struck. So, if the Lord is gracious enough to strike the light for us, the darkness of ignorance will be dis-pelled and all doubts will cease forever. Can He be realized by such discussions? The Bhagavan then invited Narendra to be seated by His side. He made many loving inquiries about him and caressed him. Narendra: Why, Revered Sir, I have medi-tated in solitude on the Divine Mother for three and four days together, but nothing has come of it.

Bhagavan: All in time; do not be impatient. Mother is no other than Brahman the Absolute. Divine Mother is the primeval energy, when that is without activity I call it Brahman. But when it creates, preserves and destroys the phenomenal world I call it Sakti (energy), or