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Love continued to rest on Narendra's body. Was He breathing into him the inspiration, the power that comes from above ? Then yet other changes came over the Bhagavan. He said to Narendra, with folded hands: A song do sing, then I shall get well; how else shall I be able to stand on my feet. "My Nitai! Oh! He is deep drunk, intoxicated with the wine of Divine Love, the love for Gouranga (God- Incarnate)." A short while and He was speechless again, speechless like a figure cut in marble. Drunk with the joy of the Lord, the Bhagavan went on, saying: "Take care of Radha, lest thou fall into the Jamuna. O thou, mad with ecstatic love for Him who incarnated Himself at Brin- davan, the Lord Sri Krishna!" Once more He was in deep Samdhdi! Coming back into sense- consciousness he repeated portions of a well- known song: "O my friend, how far is that blessed woodland, the land where is to be seen my own Beloved One? Look! Here comes the fragrance from the blessed person of my Beloved! I am unable to take a step forward, O my friend!" Now the Bhagavan had lost all consciousness of the world. He was not mindful of anything