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ignorance. The sense of "Thou" and "Thine " Egotism and knowledge. is knowledge. A true Bhaktasays: "O Lord! Thou art the doer, Thou hast created everything, I am nothing but an instrument in Thy hands, I do only whatever Thou makest me do. All Prayer of a true Bhakta. this is Thy wealth, Thy glory. Thine is the Universe, Thine the family, Thine the relatives. Nothing belongs to me, I am Thy servant. Thine is to command and mine is to serve Thee with my whole heart and soul." Egotism comes to all those who have studied a few books and have acquired a little learning. Egotism. I had a talk with Tagore [1] about the nature of God. He said to me: "I know all about it." I replied: "He who has been to Delhi does not go about telling others 'I have been to Delhi' and so on. He who is a true gentleman does not boast of being a gentleman." Syam Babu: Sir, Tagore has great respect for you. Sri Ramakrishna: My dear sir, shall I tell you of the vanity of the sweeper-woman in the tem- ple at Dakshineswara? She had a few orna-

  1. Devendra Nath Tagore. See note p. 211