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good friends, may beat me some day with shoes and turn me out. Sri Ramakrishna (to the Doctor): Do not say that, Doctor. These people love you so much! They watch and look for you like ladies come together in the bride-chamber looking for the coming bridegroom. Girish: Everyone here has the greatest re- spect for you. Doctor (sorrowfully): My son — even my wife looks upon me as hard-hearted, and for the simple reason that I am by nature loath to show my feelings. Girish: In that case, sir, do you not think it would be better to throw open the door of your mind, at least out of pity for your friends? You well see that your friends do not under- stand you. Doctor: Shall I say it? Well, my feelings are worked up even more than yours. (To Vivekananda) I shed tears in solitude. Doctor (to Sri Ramakrishna): Sir, may I say that it is not good that you allow people to touch your feet with their body while you are in Samddhi? Sri Ramakrishna: You do not mean that I am conscious of this ?