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disciples, said: I hold the key of the chest which contains the treasure of the highest realization. I shall not unlock that chest until you have finished my work which I wish you to do.


Pandit Sashadhar came one day to pay his respects to Bhagavan Ramakrishna. Seeing Cure of His illness. His illness, he asked Him: Bhaga- van, why dost Thou not concentrate Thy mind upon the diseased part and thus cure Thyself? The Bhagavan replied: How can I fix my mind, which I have given to God, upon this cage of flesh and blood? Sashadhar said: Why dost Thou not pray to Thy Divine Mother for cure of Thy illness ? The Bhagavan answered: When I think of My Mother the physical body vanishes and I am entirely out of it, so it is impossible for Me to pray for anything concerning the body. Hearing this, Sashadhar bowed at His holy feet and asked His blessing.


The news of Sri Ramakrisrma's illness spread like wild-fire among all those who had known