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Value of solitude 162

Vanity 393

Various aspects of the Brahman 146

Vidya and Avidya 104

Vijnani and Bhakta 114

Vishnu as a boar 260

Vision of the Divine Mother and the Absolute 343

Visit to a poor Brahmin 211

Visit to Devendra Nath Tagore 212

Visit to Keshab Sen 219

Visit to Padmalochana 214

Vyasa and the Gopis 306

What happens after death 278

What is Bhakti? 132

What thou thinkest, thou shalt become 47

When God is attained worldly attachment vanishes 97

Where Ramakrishna lived 21

Who is a true spiritual teacher? 168

Why God cannot be seen 258

Work and grace 83

Work necessary for God-vision 80

Work without devotion 249

Work with the mind fixed on God 399

Worldly attachment and realization 300

Worship God in solitude 328

Worship of the spiritual preceptor 402

Zoological Garden, Visit to 209