Page:The Government of Iowa 1921.djvu/176

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Composition of the Council.The legislative department of a city or town is known as the Council. In towns it consists of five members elected at large; and in cities of both first and second class it consists of one member from each ward, and two members elected at large. The members of the Council, as well as other municipal officers elected by the people, are now chosen biennially for a term of two years. The election for such officers is not held in November at the general State election, but is held on the last Monday in March. This insures the consideration of local affairs and local issues apart from State and national politics.

Compensation of Councilmen.In cities of the first class the compensation of councilmen may not exceed $250 per year, while in cities of the second class and in towns it may not exceed $50.

The Mayor.The chief executive officer of the city or town is the Mayor. It is his duty to see that all regulations and ordinances are enforced. He is charged with the supervision of all officers of the corporation, and it is his duty to examine into complaints made against them and to cause all violation or neglect of duty to be corrected. He is the presiding officer of the Council, with the right to vote only in case of a tie. He reports to the Council the condition of the city, and makes such recommendations as he deems advisable.

The Mayor is a conservator of the peace, and has all of the powers of a Sheriff in the suppression of disorders. He may arrest persons committing offences in his presence,