Page:The Grand junction railway companion to Liverpool, Manchester, and Birmingham; (IA grandjunctionrai00free).pdf/152

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From Birmingham.
From L'pool & Manch'r.

About 150 yards from the viaduct, a fine view of Aston Hall may be obtained.

1½ 95¾

Just past here we arrive at the before-mentioned viaduct; from this the end of the Aston Embankment is quickly obtained. Birmingham is in sight, bearing evidence, by its appearance, of the prodigious works which it contains. Two excavations and an embankment, of a quarter of a mile each, in the progress through which the Railway passes over two and under four bridges,

½ 96¾

bring us to the Company's Station at Vauxhall, near the 96¾ post. Here the passengers alight for the present, and proceed to Birmingham in coaches, omnibuses, or cars, as may suit their inclination, The Railroad, however, proceeds past it, upon a high embankment, connected with the large Birmingham Viaduct, which carries it across the valley and the river Rea, by means of twenty-eight arches of thirty-one feet span, and twenty-eight feet above the level of Lawley-street;

¼ 97

the 97 mile-post is about the centre of this bridge; a quarter of a mile further will be the permanent station, at the bottom of Curson-street, where also is the station of the London and Birmingham Line. Having conducted our readers to this great manufacturing town, we shall just take a glance of the works upon the