Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 1.djvu/324

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warrant to the imputation to us of the sin or punishment, and in coming into

" death and glory " theory, alike repudi- the enjoyment of salvation, whenever

ated by all. that may be, all the elements of peni-

9. Whatever differences in regard to tence, forgiveness and regeneration are

the future may exist among us, none of involved ; justice and mercy will then be

us believe that the horizon of eternity seen t0 De entirely as one, and God be

will be relatively either largely or for a a ^ m a ^ long time overshadowed by the clouds of



Under the scowl of a winter sky,

A wild snow-tempest roaring by,

A faint flame creeps

With smothered sigh While the village sleeps, With danger nigh ; Slowly at midnight the menace creeps While the village, unconscious of danger, sleeps.

Steady and slow, with flickering glow, Striking a key-note sure and low, The fire-fiend sings

While beating slow His mottled wings, That none may know The terrible tone of the glee he sings, Nor the fearful sweep of his ghastly wings.

But he breaks his chain and up, away, No longer imprisoned will tamely stay, With open beak Upon his prey Will fall and shriek, Asup and away With gleaming talon and bloody beak To circle and soar with maddening shriek.

And now on the air the din of bells, Whose startled tone the danger tells, With clang and roar

The summons swells Pealing out o'er The snow-clad dells, Smiting the red flame's gathering roar, Sounding loud summons o'er and o'er.

No longer the peaceful village sleeps,

No longer the flame of the burning creeps,

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