Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 1.djvu/392

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��About Stealing, 135

Alter Awhile, 75

Ahwanega 52

Among the Shakers, 21

Ancient Institutions in Concord, 199

An April Night, 335

Barnstead Reunion, 303

Benefit of Clergy, 178

Bunker Hill, 267

Caleb Winn, 346 Christie, Hon. Daniel M.— Eulogy of 35 Changed Burdens, The 126 "Chohass," 212 City and Country, 263 Confession, The 49 Congressional Papers, No. I— The House, 364 Cricket on the Hearth, The 223 Cyprus— Its Ancient Cities, Tombs and Tem- ples, 301

Do I? 159

Early Settlers in New Hampshire, 5 Early History of the Congregationalists in

N. H., 117

Early History of the Baptists in N. H., 156 Early History of the Freewill Baptists in N.H., 277 Editorial Memoranda, 127, 160, 224, 256, 319, 351 Education in Hopkinton, Ethel's Pride,

Extraordinary Occurrences in New Hamp- shire,

��337 146


��Favors, Faults and Future of the American

System, 238

First Contest of the Revolution, 190

First Church in Dover and its Pastor, 193

Fletcher, Rev. Elijah 94

Golden Hour, The

Growth of Cotton and Woolen Manufacturing

Hall, Hon. Joshua G.

Harvey's Reminiscences and Anecdotes of

Daniel Webster, Heart and I,

History of Education in Nashua, Hillsborough, How can we Help It? Hydrophobia,


Jennie's Wedding Cake,

Kent, Col. Henry O.

Lake Sunapee, Legislature, The Louisa's Delusion, Lovewell, John— Age of

Marcy, Hon. Daniel Manufacturing at Manchester, Mary's Reward, McKean, Hon Frank A. Morning in the Tropics, A Moosilauke,

��72 48


281 218 220 367 17 203






" 89


��353 26 295, 330 257 123 141

��Nashua, The City of 57 Names of Counties and Towns in N. H., 120 New Hampshire Antiquarian Society, 86, 153 New Hampshire Men at Bunker Hill and Ben- nington, 209, 241 New Hampshire at Saratoga, 228 New Hampshire at Hubbartou, . 279 None to Spare, 350 Not Old, 357

��Ocean Cable, An

Old Story, An

Old Mansion, The

Old Farm, The

Only His Wife,

Open Eyed,

Organic Basis of Law, The

Our Governor Elect,

��105 145 180 205, 251, 269 219 212 294 2

��Paying the Mortgage, 7, 44

Per Noctem ad Lucem, 383

Pedigree of Royalty, The 24

Phillips Exeter Academy, 12

Physical Degeneracy, 254

Pleasure, • 261

Poetic Selections, 32

Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey, 82 Pulpit in New Hampshire during the Present

Century, The 358

��Rationale of Free Government, The

Remarkable Church History, A




Reed, Gen. James— Sketch of the Life and

Character of Romance in a Rag-Bag, A Royal Governors in New Hampshire, Rollins, Hon. Edward H., Robins, The

��216 56

185, 285 288 240

��262 376 103 129 293

��Sanborn, Edwin David, LL. D., 289

Services of Gen. Sullivan, 325

Several Sundays in Europe, 378

Social Changes in New Hampshire, 170

Speakership, The 69 State Record, 31, 64

Straw, Hon. Ezekiel A., 161

Story of Simon, The 167

Sulloway, Hon. Alvah W., 225

Symbolized Wedding-Day, The 112

Treatment of the Indians, 150

Tramps, 165

Thy Will, Not Mine, 177

Two Pictures, 375

Union of New Hampshire with Massachusetts, 33

Use, Misuse and Abuse of Text Books, 244

Universalism in New Hampshire, 312

��Washington, Wrecked,

Winnipesaukee Lake, Winter Ode, A Wings of Flame, Woman's Inconsistency, Won at Last,

��324 84 111 273 316 208 232

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