Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 10.djvu/129

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'Devoted to Literature, biography. History, and State Progress.

��Vol. X.

��APRIL, 1887.

��No. 4.


��The name aud fame of John Stark, the sturdy soldier and Indian fighter of the " Seven Years French War" of 1754 to 1760, and the successful pa- triot commander of the war of the Revolution, is no new theme to the people of his native state of New Hampshire. The two generations that succeeded him, and in their turn passed off the stage of life, have, in their day, and according to the meth- ods of their times, honored and re- vered his memory. The third and fourth generations are now on the stage. To them the memories of his times are dimly legendary or histori- cal ; but they do not forget that to the heroes of 1776 this great nation of sixty millions of people owes its birth and growth.

This is a monumental age. The public spirit of the people honors itself by honoring and perpetuating the memory of the fathers and de- fenders of the country. Enduring monuments in bronze and granite, or marble, are being erected by every state of the Union, in memory of citi- zens whose services in military or

��civil life have tended to save and maintain the liberties of the people.

New Hampshire is not forgetful as to her own part of this reverential duty. At the last session of the legislature the following resolution was introduced in the senate by Hon. Henry O. Kent, member from sena- torial district No. 1, and after refer- ence to the Committee on Military AlTairs, it was favorably reported upon, and adopted by both houses, viz. :

Resolved, That his excellency the governor be requested to designate some suitable person, whose duty it shall be to make inquiry into the matter of erecting, at an early date, a fitting monument or statue in mem- ory of Major-Geuerai John Stark, at his burial-place in the city of Man- chester, the expense of carrying out any such specified plan or plans, and how much of said sum or sums would be raised by the descendants of Gen- eral Stark and by the city of Man- chester, contingent upon the payment of the residue by the state, — and make report of his doings in the premises ; said report to be laid be- fore the legislature at its next bien- nial session.

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