Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 2.djvu/14

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From the towering hills — over northward they rear —

Whose mosses are fanned by the Avhispering breeze, Happy homes, far belew in the valley, appear

To gaze upward in love thro' their tall shading trees. Not a ripple disturbing the mirror beyond !

With its beauty unbroken the scene becomes new, Save where Purity rests in embraces so fond

As the lily peeps into the sky's liquid blue.

On the deep fringed shore the sad willow droops low And is plaintively whispering " doomed to bemoan !"

But the wave as it rises will soothingly flow,

Bringing kisses of sweetness for willows alone.

And the hills in their grandeur these things comprehend, Standing forth in protection above this retreat,

Seeming calmly to speak " we will last to the end, Keeping safe each warm heart till it ceases to beat ! "

For a moment descend, ye time-fading old hills,

To the homes that seem happy and peaceful below; Pause and listen to discord of numberless ills,

See how thankless thy mission their malice would show! For the towering domes mounting upward toward thee

As if thou to outreach in their heavenward flight, Seem to speak of a faith which from sin pardons free

In the place of a war that would sadden the sight.

Each tall spire, as upward it rises on high

Looks in anger across at its neighboring foe, And a battle goes on and opinions reply

How we safest and surest may heavenward go. As the eye of the pilgrim and sinner spells out

All the guideboards to happiness, heaven and love, On his ear harshly falling each deepening shout,

He will heed not their warning—' 1 They lead not above ! "

From the discordant valley his sick soul he turns

A deliv'rance to seek from the medley of creeds ; For his being is stirred, in a fever it burns,

And cries out for a balm that will reach all its needs. Up the brow of a hill with a soul-stricken mein,

Till the summit is reached he waits not to rest- Then he turns and is spellbound by rapture so keen- All beneath him, around him, in beauty is dressed !

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